Aadya says Ammmmmaa
My mommy says “GAYATHRII” and Aadya chooses to say aMMMAAA.
They play this game of repeating!
What do I say?
Generally babbies utter atta /tatha
But Aadya has been trained AMMMAAA by everyone Nanna, ammamma, thatha, jeji 🙂 and sometimes amma tooo 😉
Aadya was hungry and she wanted me …
Alright …
But when amma started calling Gayathriii, she suddenly wanted to join … aMMMAA with lot of stress with the MMM 🙂
Well the first consious word from her.
Shes been saying dadadadda,attathathatha but Ammmaa is her first conscious utterance 🙂
She repeated quite some times much to the joy of all of us 🙂
And me I DONT KNOW 🙂
I always put her above myself in everything not relaxing AT ALL! For the sake of giving Aadya THE BEST I CAN!
And when she reciprocates the love consciously I am on cloud 9 refusing to come down!!
Love you baby and love the way u tighten ur lips for aMMMAAA
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