Category: Chirpy Tales
Anything and everything that I pen down ..
I am struggling!
yes I am struggling .. and .. big time! I love my daughters .. But I don’t have time for them .. I love Montessori .. But I am not able to give that 100% I feel lost ..broke .. and see myself in this […]
Animals, Colours and Ganesha by Sree Aadya
A very normal day while I was completely engrossed working on my laptop… This little soul of mine, Aadya walks up to me tells me .. “Amma .. I will tell you something .. you type on your computer”I was taken aback .. What does […]
Lockdown .. Unleash ..
I want to do things mindfully .. It’s a luxury that I am completely deprived off .. and its sad that people around me just don’t get it .. Yeah .. sometimes I wonder .. if .. they get .. it ..themselves! But .. are […]
When I put her in pain ..
A has been stressed out these days .. she might be undergoing a growth spurt .. or .. the new class that she has moved up .. the heat .. or .. well I am still trying to figure.. I know it will pass .. […]
When your preschooler teaches you about compassion!
Manasi and Aadya might want anything and everything under the sun .. otherwise.. but when they are sleepy, they just want the warmth of Amma touching them .. just my hand would do! It is such moments when they put their hands around my neck […]
How motherhood transformed me!
I am finally breaking my blogging sabbatical with this post of the blog train -2 hosted by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies. Thanks Pradnya for the warm intro .. Well moving onto “How Motherhood Transformed Me” .. I have to move back […]
No-cook Edible Play Dough
I am constantly on the run for simple .. DIY activities for lil A 🙂 Though there were many versions of DIY dough on the internet .. I found this extremely simple and effective 😀 This is completely edible as well .. Ingredients: 1 cup […]
An ex-skater’s take on skating for children today
I was asked to post about skating for kids on one of my favorite parenting groups and I did an elaborate post on it. So decided to share the same here and would be editing more in a while 🙂 I have been a national […]
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